
Sunday, 29 November 2015

DIY Baubles!

Hello in today's blog I'm going to be showing you how to make your own baubles. I got this idea from Pinterest and I think that these will look nice on the Christmas tree.
What you will need is a balloon, glitter (silver or white looks the best), string and some PVA glue.

What you will need to do:

- get your ballon blow it up to a bauble size and tie knot in it.
- coat your balloon in glue. Then tie the string around the knot on your balloon to make it secure.
- start to wrap the string randomly around your balloon making sure it's sticking to the glue. 
- with your finger or a paint brush put a load more glue onto the string and roll it in your glitter ( or sprinkle it on).
- then hang it up somewhere to dry overnight.
The next day pop your balloon and get the balloon out through one of the holes in your string. This is quite fiddly so be patient!
When you've done it should hopefully look a bit like this. I really like this and I think it looks really Christmassy.

Please let me know if you try this out and I hope you found this helpful. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Lucy :)

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

DIY Christmas cards.

Hi I thought that I'd do a theme up to Christmas. I'm going to be doing all of my blogs Christmas themed until after Christmas. 

What you will need:

- card/paper
-red, brown, yellow & white paint
- a black pen
- a thumb and a finger!

What you will need to do:

• get your card/ paper and fold it in half. Get your paint and squirt it out into a bowl/ container. Dip your thumb into the brown paint and randomly dot them onto the front of your card.
• using any finger you want, dip it into the red paint and blob those onto the brown ones.
• when it's dry add on a beak (with yellow paint) and some eyes (with your pen and your white paint).
• when you have Donne you can add on decoration like stickers or you could write merry Christmas on the front or what ever you want to do.
This is how mine turned out. I like this becuase it's really nice thing to do for family or friends.

Thank you for reading this blog. Hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you try this out. 

Lucy :) 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

What I want for Christmas.

Hi today I thought that I'd tell you a few things that I'm asking for for Christmas to maybe give you some inspiration if you aren't sure what you want.

The first thing I would like is this chalkboard letter rack for putting reminders on becuase I'm quite forgetful sometimes! This is £16 from Next and I think this will look really nice in my bedroom.
To go with the chalkboard if also like some of these pens. These are really cool as they are neon and I think that these will look nice on the chalkboard. These are £13.95 from Amazon.

Next is this Rudolph the red- nosed reindeer Pandora charm.  This looks really cute and I think it'll be a nice addition to my bracelet. This is £35 from Pandora.
Finally is this pug mug that says "the coffe dance" (even though I drink hot chocolate)!!! This is just really cute and the only other mug I own is a big Christmas mug! This is £6 from Amazon.

I hope you enjoyed today's blog and hopefully it helped you if you were a bit stuck on ideas.

Lucy :)

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Favourite apps.

Hello today I thought I'd do another blog about my favourite apps becuase I've found some new ones that I really enjoy playing.
First is one of my favourites becuase it's really fun and it's a good game to play with family/friends. In this you have to make up words for a meaning which is given and then you have to try and guess out of 3 which is the correct one. (If you download it you'll get what I mean)!
Next is the tower. I really like this app and it's really good to play when your bored or on a long car journey. I've only recently downloaded this but I enjoy playing it.
My sister told me to download this and I'm glad she did as I really like playing it and I like the fact you can get different coloured balls and floors.
I only play this when I have nothing to do but I enjoy playing it. My high score is 113 - I think that's pretty good?!
Last but not least is hill climb. I like this game but it can get a bit boring after a while. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you liked it.

Lucy :)

Sunday, 15 November 2015


Hello recently my sister got some henna so I thought I'd tell you a bit more about it and how cool it is!
First of all you need a henna cone which you can get from places like eBay or Amazon. Henna cones are very cheap on Amazon at around £3.50 per cone. 

~ First of all you can look at some photos of different henna designs on the Internet and get inspiration from those.
~ So you get your henna cone and start to squeeze out the henna onto your hand or any other part of your body you want. Try to squeeze it out in a nice neat design otherwise it won't look very good. 
~ Then you have to wait a while for it to dry completely. You'll know when it has dried becuase it starts to crack and when you touch it, it doesn't smudge. 
~ When it's dry start to pick it off(I would recommend doing this outside or over a tissue so it doesn't make a mess).
~ When you've picked it off it should be quite a bright orange but don't worry becuase in around 12 hours it'll be the right colour and it should hopefully look really nice.

Henna usually lasts about 1-2 weeks depending how good/bad your henna is.
This is what my henna turned out like and I really like it! 

Thank you for reading today's blog and I hope you found it helpful if you want to try henna.

Lucy :)

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Caffe cream.

Hello today I thought I'd tell you about my favourite ice-cream place everrrrr!
This is Caffe Cream. Caffe Cream is in New Brighton and it's really good becuase out of the window you have a view of the beach.
There are loads of different flavours like Jaffa cake, jammy dodger, bubblegum, Oreo and cream, rocky road, banana, dairy, chocolate and loads more.
My favourite flavour is cookies and cream becuase it's got a lot of cookie in it and it just tastes amazing.
I usually have a cookies and cream ice-cream in a tub, a cookies and cream milkshake or a chocolate and cookies and cream milkshake! You can also get different types of cones.

You should definitely consider going here becuase it's a really nice place to go. Thank you for reading my blog I hope you  liked it.

Lucy :)

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Lush haul first impressions.

Hi so recently I went to lush and bought some more things so I thought I'd tell you my first impressions of them.
Fists is the Father Christmas bathbomb. I got this because it looked really nice and smelt amazing. I'd also heard that a lot of other people were liking this so I thought that I'd give it a try.
Next is the cinders bathbomb which I think is really cool because the red stuff on the top is popping candy!! This smells so nice and I can't wait to try this out!
Next is the brightside bubble bar which looks absolutely amazing and smells even better. It smells like you could eat it because it's orange fruit pastel scented. I think this is going to look really good in the bath and it might be one of my favourites!

I also bought more of the snowcake soap because it's so nice and it's only out at Christmas so I am stocking up on it!
Finally to put all of this and more in my dad bought this tin for me. This was £4 from TKMax I think but at the moment it doesn't close because I have to many things so I need to have more baths!
Thank you to my dad for buying it!! I really like this tin because it looks so cool and I love doughnuts!

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it!

Lucy :)

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

My dad's birthday!

Hello I thought I'd tell you a bit more about what I did on my dad's birthday/ Halloween.

First of all we went to subway for lunch and we saw someone dressed as the smiler - it's was really scary!
Then we went to caffe cream which is an ice-cream shop that had loads of weird but nice flavours like Nutella, oreos and cream, Jaffa cake, jammy dodger, cookies and cream(which is my favourite) and a lot more.

Then we met up with my cousin and uncle and when to play crazy golf. 
The results were:
1st = my dad
2nd = me
3rd = my uncle
4th = my sister
5th = my cousin
Then my dad, sister and I went to a really nice restaurant called Prezzo. For my starter I had mozzarella and a pomodoro dip (but I forgot to take a photo)! 
For my main course(the picture above) I had a pasta dish with pomodoro sauce, mushrooms, goats cheese, spinach, pesto and peppers. My main course was soooo nice and I would have it again anytime.
Finally for pudding I had Nutella and banana mini calzones with ice-cream.

Overall I had a really good day and if love to do it all again. Thank you to my dad!!  Thank you for reading my blog. Happy birthday to my dad (I know it's late)!!

Lucy :)