
Sunday, 8 November 2015

Lush haul first impressions.

Hi so recently I went to lush and bought some more things so I thought I'd tell you my first impressions of them.
Fists is the Father Christmas bathbomb. I got this because it looked really nice and smelt amazing. I'd also heard that a lot of other people were liking this so I thought that I'd give it a try.
Next is the cinders bathbomb which I think is really cool because the red stuff on the top is popping candy!! This smells so nice and I can't wait to try this out!
Next is the brightside bubble bar which looks absolutely amazing and smells even better. It smells like you could eat it because it's orange fruit pastel scented. I think this is going to look really good in the bath and it might be one of my favourites!

I also bought more of the snowcake soap because it's so nice and it's only out at Christmas so I am stocking up on it!
Finally to put all of this and more in my dad bought this tin for me. This was £4 from TKMax I think but at the moment it doesn't close because I have to many things so I need to have more baths!
Thank you to my dad for buying it!! I really like this tin because it looks so cool and I love doughnuts!

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it!

Lucy :)

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