
Monday, 8 August 2016

My 1 year blogging anniversary!

Hello so today is my blogs 1st birthday! So I thought I'd do a special post about my blogs in the last year.
So it all started on the 8th of August 2015. I said that I wanted to start a blog and my sister helped me set it up. When I first got my blog I straight away did an introduction post and I just put in some facts about me. I used to blog on Wednesdays and Sundays but then I went to blogging on only Saturdays becuase it was hard thinking of all the ideas and it was more convenient for me.
Then I started doing a lot of lush hauls with bad quality photos and I'm not really sure why I thought it was a good idea to take the photos on my bright pink rug!

Im not really sure what happened to the quality of this photo but I still took my own photos but at least it was on a different coloured rug this time!
The background of this photo isn't the best either!
Then I did a blog post with photos that I took on my bed sheets but all the photos have a yellowy toned lighting to them!
Then I did blogs with some photos that I took and some off the internet. And my photos were even worse on my bed sheets, with yellowy toned lighting and shadows from my phone case!
Then I did a really random blog about two completely different things! Shoes and a camera in one blog!
This is a chart of my most popular blogs. The film reviews get a lot if the film has only just come out and the same thing with beauty ranges and apps. For a while my best and worst Christmas cracker jokes blog which I was surprised at but at the moment it is the jungle book film review blog with 271 views!
This is a chart of who in the world has viewed my blog. This isn't a full chart otherwise it would be quite long but it's really cool to think I've had people from places like the Netherlands, Philippeans and Israel reading my blog! 
And finally I can say that I have reached 10,000 views on my blog altogether! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog even if you have just read one or if you have been here from the start and read every single blog (like my dad!). 

I'd also like to say thank you to my dad for reading every single one of my 86(...87 now!) blogs in the last year, checking for spelling mistakes and giving me some ideas for my blog posts! 
Also thank you to my sister for reading most of my blogs, help me setting my blog up and giving me some ideas. Also for putting up with me for ages going "go and read my blog!" 

And thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you enjoyed this post.

Lucy :)