
Saturday, 1 April 2017

Dechox- finally finished!

Hello so today is the first day that I can eat chocolate after my dechox which means I had no chocolate for a month!
I found this hard as I eat quite a lot of chocolate and I sometimes have Nutella in crumpets for breakfast so I missed that too. I found this hard to begin with and then in the middle it got easier but towards the end it was hard again because I was looking forward to it.

The food that kept me through this was cake, especially mr Kipling ones.

So far today I've had a chocolate muffin and a chocolate cake which were so nice.
I've raised £100 (+£25 gift aid) which I think is quite good and will help some people and could possibly save someone's life.

This was a good experience and I think you should try it next year. 
This is the link to my page:
Thank you for reading todays blog and I hope you enjoyed it.

Lucy :)

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